Does My Insurance Cover Damage to My Home from Extreme Heat?

Heat waves have affected Pearland, TX. In contrast to sudden weather damage, damages resulting from excessive heat accumulate gradually, affecting the exterior of your house noticeably. Filing claims for heat damage can be complex and often depends on the terms of your policy. Barry Insurance Group is here to help if you have concerns about heat damage.

The Hidden Dangers of Excessive Heat

Whether or not your homeowner’s insurance covers heat-related damage primarily depends on individual scenarios. For example, if a fire caused by excessive heat resulted in damages, it would be a claim-worthy event. Extreme heat can also cause your plumbing system to fail, leading to water damage.

More often than not, extreme heat leads to various types of hidden damage that unfolds with time. Such damages can include:

  • Deterioration of roofing materials leading to leaks
  • Cracked foundations
  • Bubbling paint and siding
  • Warped window and door frames
  • Overworked electrical systems due to high loads

Carefully Review Your Policy

A careful read of your homeowner’s policy will reveal whether it covers heat-related damages and under what circumstances. At times, there may be a need for additional documentation to prove the damages were indeed heat-induced. In the wake of climate change, some insurance companies now offer additional coverage options or add-ons that explicitly cover heat-related damages. These optional endorsements can be protective of gradual types of damage, including the ones mentioned above. In contrast to this, indirect damages resulting from power outages due to heat may also be claimed. Regular preventive maintenance can notably reduce heat-related damages.

Contact Barry Insurance Group for More Information

The experts at Barry Insurance Group, serving Pearland, TX, are here to help you make informed decisions on insurance policies. We can offer various options to ensure your home is protected. Contact us today to get started on your policy.

Who needs to have home insurance in Texas?

In the Pearland, TX area, owning a home has been a good option for many people. Property owners here have a consistent place to live and benefit by building equity over the years. Those who are going to buy a home in this part of Texas will also find that having insurance is extremely important. There are various situations when someone undoubtedly needs to have this insurance. 

When Financing a Home with a Mortgage

A situation when you need to have home insurance will come when you have a mortgage. It is very common for property owners in the Pearland, TX area to take out a mortgage. If you do, there are various rules and requirements that you need to meet. For many property owners, this includes having a full home insurance policy at all times. This can include requiring you to establish and maintain escrow accounts. 

Association Members

It is also common to require home insurance if you live in part of a home association. Home associations provide various benefits to property owners, but there are also some requirements. One requirement that is commonly set is for you to carry home insurance. Most associations will require that you offer evidence of coverage at least once per year and could assess a penalty if you are not covered. 

Getting a proper home insurance plan is always a good idea for people in this part of Texas. When you want coverage, it is smart to start by calling our team at the Barry Insurance Group. Our team of professionals with the Barry Insurance Group will give you the help necessary to create a new plan that covers you and meets all your needs. 

Why All Homeowners Need Flood Insurance

If you own a home, there are two insurance policies that you absolutely should have to protect your investment. One is home insurance, and the other is flood insurance. Flood insurance is an important part of protecting your home. It’s necessary no matter where you are. Without this insurance, you risk severe financial problems after a flood. If you don’t have this coverage yet, call us at Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX to learn more.

Floods and Home Insurance

Many people never get flood insurance because they assume that their home insurance policy protects them against disasters. However, home insurance doesn’t cover floods. If a flood were to happen and your home and possessions were damaged, you’d have to pay for everything yourself if you didn’t have flood insurance. Certain areas are designated as flood zones. People inside those zones usually require flood insurance from their lender or the regional government. However, one out of every five flood claims comes from areas that aren’t in flood zones. You can still be vulnerable to floods if you’re not in a flood zone. 

Government Backed Protection

When you get flood insurance, there’s no worrying about whether the insurance company can pay for all the flood-damaged homes it covers. The National Flood Insurance Program backs flood insurance today. It has government backing, and it’s guaranteed. The program also sets the price of this insurance, so the price will be the same no matter where you get your flood policy. 

Get Flood Insurance in Texas

If you own a home and don’t have flood insurance, call us immediately at Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX to get more information about this insurance and get started with it. 

Five Things You Should Know About Home Insurance

You are in the market to buy a new home. This is your first home, and you have no idea what you are doing, but you know you need home insurance. Keep reading to find five things you should know about home insurance.

Do your research before you buy

One of the most important things you should do is research the available home insurance options. The cost of home insurance varies between insurance companies. Researching the options can save you a lot of money.

Not everything is covered by home insurance.

Most people who buy home insurance think they are covered for anything that happens. Unfortunately, there are some things that most home insurance policies won’t cover. Some of the things that typically aren’t covered include:

  • Regular wear and tear
  • Flooding
  • Mold
  • Earthquakes
  • Pests

If you want protection from flooding and earthquakes, you must get separate insurance covering those.

Basic coverage options available

A few basic coverage options are similar across most insurance companies. These coverage options include:

  • Dwelling coverage
  • Other structures coverage
  • Bodily injury liability
  • Property damage liability
  • Personal belongings coverage
  • Loss of use coverage

Check with your insurance company to see what types of home insurance coverage are offered just to be sure.

Actual cash value vs. replacement cost

It is important to know what each of these terms means because they are very different from each other. The actual cash value is the amount it would take to repair or rebuild your home after depreciation. The replacement cost is how much it would take to rebuild your home without considering depreciation.

Some insurance companies have discounts.

Every insurance company is different in what they have available for discounts. It is essential to check with your insurance company to find out what discounts they might have available. You might be able to save a little bit.

Contact Barry Insurance Group

If you are in the market for home insurance, stop by or contact us at Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX.

Stay Protected With Home Insurance

It’s great to own your own home, but it does come with a number of risks. There is a wide range of dangers out there that can affect your belongings, including your home and everything in it. To be well-protected against many of them, there is home insurance. It’s important to always be protected with home insurance for as long as you are a homeowner. Never go a day without it.

To get your home insurance policy, call us at Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX.

Keep Your Home Protected

When you have a home insurance policy, it covers your home for a number of damaging events that can happen to a home. When damage is caused by something like a calamity or many types of natural disasters, your home policy can pay for the repairs. It can even pay to have your home rebuilt if it is destroyed by a covered incident. These policies are incredibly valuable because of the high cost of repairs. Both building materials and labor costs have been going up, and you need home insurance to make sure you’re protected against them just in case. 

Protect Your Belongings

Just like your home, a lot can happen to your belongings that are inside it. When an event occurs that causes damage to your belongings, your home policy can pay for them to be replaced. Your home insurance includes a significant amount of coverage that is enough for everything to be replaced. This can be tens of thousands of coverage or more. Make sure you always have this coverage because of the high cost of replacing everything. 

Get Your Home and Belongings Protected

With multiple ways to keep you protected, home insurance is a must-have type of protection. To get yours, call us at Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX.

What Doesn’t Homeowner’s Insurance Cover?

Though home insurance is made to protect your investment, the truth is that it won’t cover everything. Because of that, you need to make sure that you talk to someone to make sure that your investment is protected. Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX encourages you to learn more about your homeowner’s insurance. 

What Doesn’t Homeowner’s Insurance Cover?

Earthquake and flood damage. Most typical homeowner’s policies don’t cover earthquakes and flood damage. If you live in an area where earthquakes or floods are common, you may want to add that coverage to your homeowner’s policy. 

General maintenance. If you don’t take care of your home, your homeowner’s insurance may not cover any damage that occurs. If something breaks that could have been prevented, if you had taken care of your home, you may have to pay for the repairs yourself. 

Limits on personal property. Your homeowner’s policy will set limits on how much it will actually cover. It will cover your possessions up until a point. If your jewelry, artwork, or electronics are high-end, you may want to add an umbrella policy to your insurance to make sure that it covers everything. 

Your business. If you run your business out of your home, it won’t be covered under your homeowner’s policy. You will need a separate business insurance policy to make sure that you are covered. 

In order to make sure that you are fully protected, you need to talk to a professional. Here at Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX, we would be glad to sit down and talk to you about your options. We want to make sure that you have enough insurance, in case anything happens. We don’t want you to lose your home over something that could have easily been prevented. 


Do Older Homes Require More Home Insurance?

If you own an older home, you know that there is a lot of work that goes into keeping up these types of houses. You might also wonder if owning an older home also means that you need to have more home insurance as well. This is certainly something every homeowner should consider before they choose a policy.

So, do you need more insurance if you own an older home? Barry Insurance Group, which serves Pearland, TX, can help you get to the bottom of this question.

Insurance Companies Assess the Risk of Each Home

Older homes do tend to pose more risks than other types of homes. They tend to be made of different materials, which can put them at higher risk for certain events, like fires and electrical issues. For this reason, your insurer may determine that your home requires more coverage.

Home Inspections Can Help

Regardless of the age of your home, a homeowners insurance company may perform an inspection. This can help determine the likelihood an event could occur, and it may also help determine the cost required to replace your home if something should happen to it.

Older Homes Simply Have Different Repair Needs

Another reason why your older home may require more insurance is that it may require more effort to repair your home. For example, you may have ornate trim on your home, and damage to your home could mean you need to call in a special repair company to fix it.

Get the Home Insurance Your House Needs

As a homeowner, you have many choices for home insurance. Older homes may require more insurance, but the best way to know your home’s needs is to reach out to an insurance agent. Barry Insurance Group helps many Pearland, TX residents meet their insurance needs.

Home Insurance 101

As a homeowner in Pearland, TX, you need to take care of your property through all the means possible. Having home insurance can be one of the comprehensive methods to adapt to cater to the different dangers that are likely to face your home. If you’re interested in taking care of your valuable investment, here are some of the reasons why you should buy a home insurance policy from Barry Insurance Group.

Covers the Structure of Your Home

The structure of your building is the most vulnerable section of your property. It is constantly dealing with fire, environmental exposure, rainwater, and physical damages. This means you will be required to repair it to maintain its integrity regularly. With home insurance, you will not pay for the cost of repairing or rebuilding your structure because your insurance company will cover everything. 

Covers Your Personal Belongings

Inside your building, there are very many valuable personal belongings that you should endeavor to protect against fire, hurricane, and even theft. You need to protect some valuable personal belongings, including furniture, clothing, electronics, and sports equipment. A good home insurance policy will help you in covering and protecting your personal items against insured perils.

Caters for Liability Protection

Home insurance can also help you cover for injuries caused by you or your family members to people visiting your property. It will help pay for associated medical expenses and other unseen costs that may arise from the same situation. Some comprehensive home insurance policies can also cover some of the injuries caused by your pets.

Are You Looking for Home Insurance?

If you have been looking for home insurance in Pearland, TX, you don’t have to struggle again. Barry Insurance Group will help you get the best home insurance policy that will protect your home’s structure and personal belongings.

Is my dog covered by my home insurance

Your furry friend is a member of your family, and you love them dearly. However, when it comes to liabilities, pets, especially dogs, can be significant liabilities. Home insurance provides liability coverage, and you may be wondering if that liability insurance covers your dog. No one likes to think about the possibility of their dog getting into a situation where you might get sued, but things do happen. At Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX, we know home insurance liability coverage, and we can help you make sure you have the coverage you need. 

The simple answer to this question is not a straight yes or no. It depends on the breed of dog that you have and the policy. The first thing that you should do when you are considering adding a dog to your family is to call your insurance agent and make sure that your carrier doesn’t exclude the breed you are considering. Some breeds are more likely to be excluded, including pit bulls and rottweilers.

Carriers don’t commonly publish the breeds that they exclude, so you will have to ask specifically. If your carrier excludes the breed you plan to acquire, you may be able to add a separate liability policy for your dog, or your umbrella policy may cover them. Don’t give up; however, some dog-friendly carriers don’t discriminate by breed at all. 

But let’s say you have a terrier, will your home insurance cover him? Yes, he will. The liability portion of your coverage will protect you from a lawsuit if your furry friend nips a neighbor or does some severe damage to their garden. However, if your couch is the victim, then no, your home insurance won’t cover it, so invest in pet training to avoid issues. 

Barry Insurance Group in Pearland, TX is here to help you get home insurance coverage and to make sure that your furry friend will be covered by the home insurance you choose. Give us a call to set up an appointment to discuss your home insurance needs. 

Someone Slipped and Fell on My Property: When Should I Notify My Homeowners Insurance Company?

Your home insurance covers you if someone slips and falls on your property and attempts to sue you. Here at Barry Insurance Group, serving the greater Pearland, TX, we want to help you prepare in case something like this happens to you. Here is what you need to know about notifying your home insurance if someone slips and falls on your property. 

What Should You Do After Someone Slips and Falls on Your Property?

If someone has slipped and fallen on your property, you should first help the injured party. If they need medical attention, call for help. Once you have ensured that their injuries are tended to, be sure to take pictures of the accident scene. Document why they fell, what the conditions were, and any other relevant information. This can be important, especially if you feel that there was not something related to your property that caused them to trip and fall. 

When Should You Notify Your Homeowners Insurance Company if Someone Slips and Falls on Your Property?

You should notify your homeowner’s insurance company as soon as you realize the party is injured and seeking medical attention for their injuries. Many people wait to notify their insurance company until the other party asks for insurance information or lets the other party know they are using them. This does not give the insurance company much time to obtain evidence and seek information about the accident. Letting them know early on can help with their discovery process. 

Having the right homeowner’s insurance coverage can protect you from the unexpected, such as someone slipping and falling on your property and becoming injured. If you are looking for a new homeowner’s insurance policy in the greater Pearland, TX area, let Barry Insurance Group help you find the best policy for your needs. Contact us today to get started. 


  • I have been a customer for years. BIG is always there to answer my questions and get me the right coverage.
    Dan Broussard
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